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Riviera Pebbles Blog: Doing our bit with un Geste pour Tous

Posted on 11th Aug 2016 in Guest Info


Un Geste pour Tous

Pebbles works with the local charity, Un Geste pour Tous (a gesture for all).

Un Geste pour Tous is a humanitarian association that helps everyone who needs it without discrimination. They give vital help to people of all races, religions and nationalities both in Nice and abroad.

As well as all the good work they do in Nice, un Geste pour Tous they are currently working in Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, Mali, Senegal and Palestine. The majority of work that they do is collecting essential goods be it food, clothing or medicines and send them to the areas that need them the most.

The charity has sent food and medical packages to Gaza and Bosnia and have raised funds for orphan in Tunisia and Morocco.

Here in Nice they help the poor and homeless by food donations in the city and the surroundings as well as offering them vital pastoral care and being a friendly face that they can listen to. It is not uncommon to find amongst the un geste pour tous volunteers, someone who the charity has previously helped raise from the streets.

In our Pebbles rentals office at 20 rue de l'Hotel des Postes you will find a collection box which is picked up once a week by a volunteer from un geste pour tous.

Our agents and staff will put any non-perishable food that our guests leave in apartments when they return home from their holidays, as well as any non-prescription medicine, toilet roll or toiletries as well as anything our staff, guests and locals want to pop into our shop and add to the box.

So if you leave anything behind after you finish your stay with us, not to fear! It will go to a good cause!

If you would like to find out more about Un Geste pour Tous you can find them on Facebook or at their website.


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