Global Travel - Holiday Rentals and Helpful Guides all over the World
Over the last three years of Pebbles, we've found that lots of our guests are lucky enough to be traveling Europe or the world. We're delighted that they choose to spend some of their well-planned trip with us. If you are one of the fortunate planning a European Tour, or a World Tour, then here are some recommendations that our guests have shared with us, or that we think you might find useful. Bon Voyage!

If you fancy living as lord and lady of the manor, then Derbyshire Country Houses can offer you gorgeous rooms in stunning countryside in the middle of Yorkshire.
If you are looking to sample the stunning sights of Turkey, then check out Sunflowers Travel Dalyan. They offer small hotels, rental apartments, and luxury villas in Dalyan, Akyaka, Kas, and Ekincik.
The independent guide Hidden Italy provides expert advice on alternative and hidden Italy. There are guides to travel, accommodation, tourist tips, driving, public transport, food, and facts and much more.
Discover Orvieto wine, food and culture with Kristi and Bill Steiner. Their Adventures in Italy can be followed through their site and their blog. They come highly recommended on Slow Travel.
Want to rent a holiday apartment in the vibrant city of Dublin? Dublin Short Lets offer quality rental accommodation in the heart of Dublin City available for both holiday and long term rentals.

Want to plan a unique trip? Visit the Tourdust website, the authentic travel community. Whether you are passionate about farms, floral or wildlife, looking for adventure or to relax, Tourdust has the inside information to help you get the most out of your trip. They have some great choices for holiday rentals as well as superb hotels.
If you're a single lady looking to travel further afield, Solo Lady is your best source for solo living. Features on single life, travel, parenting. advice, info, fun, links, blogs, messages, and more!
If you're looking to travel further afield, then GeoPassage. Your World. Your Way. provides unique custom and packaged tours to destinations worldwide. You can even search by destination of theme.

We want all of our guests to be able to enjoy everything the French Riviera has to offer. If you have a service that might be of interest to our visitors and would like to add a link to your site on this page, please . In most cases, we do require a reciprocal link and will only consider sites with a Google page rank of 4 or above. Thank you!
The links provided above are for information only. We are not affiliated with these sites, nor do we guarantee the quality of their content or any services provided.